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Study Abroad – Adriana N

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This summer I was fortunate to have the opportunity to study abroad in Santiago de Chile. Being part of the first class to go to Santiago, I did not know what to expect. Yet, I was amazed by the beauty of the city, friendliness of the locals, and the many LTA alums and future LTA’s in the program. It has been great to see the appreciation that they have for the language and how they incorporate it into their study abroad experience. This past Thursday my study abroad group and I visited a safe house for underprivileged kids called Casa Club Domingo Savio.  The safe house is an after school program in which kids from La Granja neighborhood, one of the poorest sectors in Santiago, are able to get help with their homework, play sports, get fed, while many of their parents are working. I volunteered along with A2LP alums Arianna Dixon, Laurel Dearborn and Bridget Kennedy. We helped the kids with their homework and taught them  English while also practicing our Spanish. It was incredible to incorporate the teaching hacks that we learned from A2LP into our volunteering experience!