Ethnohistorical Methods & Data Examples
Workshop participants were introduced to:
- Basic uses of Atlas.ti, a qualitative data analysis software and Zotero reference management software
- How to conduct archival and community searches to source non-traditional data
- How to read, code, and analyze data that include oral history, images, archives and material objects
- How to create analytic memos of historical data
- How to triangulate diverse data

Participants had an opportunity to work with their own data using ethnohistorical methods to access archives and diverse visual sources. Shown above are some of the archival images used in the workshop by participants students and instructors.
The Community Connection
In line with the CREATE Center’s mission, this workshop foregrounded community archival knowledge as participants learned to work with historical data sustained by African American communities. Also, participants had the opportunity to hear from additional critical historians who work with communities of color to access sources beyond traditional archives. The workshop highlighted the significance of historical research methods done in collaboration with an African American community working to restore the knowledge and appreciation of their past.