Scholarly Resources
Methodology and Ethnohistory
Galloway, P. K. (2006). Practicing ethnohistory: Mining archives, hearing testimony, constructing narrative. U of Nebraska Press.
Harkin, M. E. (2003). Feeling and Thinking in Memory and Forgetting: Toward an Ethnohistory of the Emotions. Ethnohistory, 50(2), 261–284.
Hudson, C. (1966). Folk History and Ethnohistory. Ethnohistory, 13(1/2), 52–70.
McGregor, H. E. (2014). Exploring ethnohistory and Indigenous scholarship: what is the relevance to educational historians? History of Education, 43(4), 431–449.
Michney, T. M. (2019). Stigma and Culture: Last-Place Anxiety in Black America. Ethnohistory, 66(2), 393–394.
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Simmons, W. S. (1988). Culture Theory in Contemporary Ethnohistory. Ethnohistory, 35(1), 1–14.
Sturtevant, W. C. (1966). Anthropology, history, and ethnohistory. Ethnohistory, 1–51.
Walker, V. S. (1996). Their highest potential: An African American school community in the segregated South. Univ of North Carolina Press.
Archival Methods
Bowen, G. A. (2009). Document Analysis as a Qualitative Research Method. Qualitative Research Journal, 9(2), 27–40.
Enoch, J. (n.d.). Changing Research Methods, Changing History: A Reflection on Language, Location, and Archive.
Puglia, S., Reed, J., & Rhodes, E. (2004). Technical Guidelines for Digitizing Archival Materials for Electronic Access: Creation of Production Master Files – Raster Images. 87.
Steedman, C. (1998). The space of memory: in an archive. History of the Human Sciences, 11(4), 65–83.
Thomassen, T. (2001). A first introduction to archival science. Archival Science, 1(4), 373–385.
Material Culture
Blessing, B. (2007). Methodological Considerations: Using Student Essays as Historical Sources. The Example of Postwar Germany. Paedagogica Historica, 43(6), 757–777.
Brown, E. B. (1989). African-American women’s quilting. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 14(4), 921–929.
Hier, S. P. (2004). Cultural trauma: Slavery and the formation of African American identity. The Canadian Journal of Sociology, 29(2), 317–318.
Howson, J. E. (1990). Social relations and material culture: A critique of the archaeology of plantation slavery. Historical Archaeology, 24(4), 78–91.
Pauwels, L. (2011). An Integrated Conceptual Framework for Visual Social Research. In E. Margolis & L. Pauwels, The SAGE Handbook of Visual Research Methods (pp. 3–23). SAGE Publications Ltd.
Spencer, S. (2011). Visual Research Methods in the Social Sciences: Awakening Visions. Routledge.
Wagner, J. (2011). Seeing Things: Visual Research and Material Culture. In E. Margolis & L. Pauwels, The SAGE Handbook of Visual Research Methods (pp. 72–96). SAGE Publications Ltd.
Oral History
Gubrium, J., & Holstein, J. (2001). Handbook of Interview Research. SAGE Publications, Inc.
Guishard, M., Fine, M., Doyle, C., Jackson, J., Staten, T., & Webb, A. (2005). The Bronx on the move: Participatory consultation with mothers and youth. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 16(1–2), 35–54.
Haynes, K. (2010). Other lives in accounting: Critical reflections on oral history methodology in action. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 21(3), 221–231.
Söderström, J. (2019a). Life diagrams: a methodological and analytical tool for accessing life histories. Qualitative Research, 1468794118819068.
Söderström, J. (2019b). Life diagrams: a methodological and analytical tool for accessing life histories. Qualitative Research, 1468794118819068.
Yow, V. (1997). “Do I Like Them too Much?”: Effects of the Oral History Interview on the Interviewer and Vice-Versa. Oral History Review, 24(1), 55–79.