- Chilean Higher Education
The CSHPE study abroad program took place in Chile because the Chilean higher education system has several unique and distinct…
- Overview of the Chilean Higher Education System
Our arrival in Santiago! For our first evening in Santiago we took the subway to Universidad Diego Portales (UDP). Dr.…
- Visits to Conicyt and Fulbright
Wednesday we met with two organizations who provided additional national-level perspective on the Chilean system. We went to Conicyt, which…
- Museum and Former Student Leaders
On Thursday part of the group started out by meeting with higher education colleagues and faculty at the University of…
- Research Seminar at the University of Chile
Friday was our day-long seminar of research presentations with our new Chilean colleagues. We have been learning about different aspects…
- Valparaiso
Saturday we traveled by bus about 1.5 hours hours from Santiago to Valparaiso. There we met with faculty and administrators…
- Chilean Wine and Mountains
Sunday morning we met after breakfast to all climb into the 20-person van we had chartered for the day. Chile…
- Catholic University, AIEP, and Alberto Hurtado
On Monday morning we visited Pontifica Universidad Catolica, or Catholic University, which is one of the eight universities that existed…
- Former Student Leaders
On Thursday part of the group met with higher education colleagues and faculty at the University of Chile to discuss…