Wednesday, June 25
Through collaboration with Dr. Jason Murray, Director of the Indian University of North America for the Crazy Horse Memorial Foundation, our students have been invited to present a panel about attending graduate school to undergraduate students at the Indian University of North America. This program is part of the educational mission of the Crazy Horse Memorial. The newly constructed dormitory accommodates 32 student participants. These students engage in a nine-week summer program, attending college-level classes and bridge-like activities tailored to advance their academic success. Upon completion of the program, students will have earned course credits equivalent to one semester of college. They also are provided a paid internship and mentored on life, study and work skills.

After an afternoon of presentations, we share a meal with the Indian University students and enjoy learning where they are from, where they will be going to school in the fall, and about their aspirations for the future. In total, they represent 13 distinct tribes from 8 different states.