Friday, June 27
At the University of South Dakota (USD) we engage in several conversations with colleagues about Native American students at USD. A panel comprised of Karen Card (Associate Professor of Educational Administration), Calvin Krogman (Upward Bound), Gene Thin Elk (Director of Native American Student Services), Jerry Yutzenka (Associate Professor of Diversity and Inclusion & Director of Biomedical Sciences), and Kelly Duncan (Associate Professor in Education Counseling and Psychology) provides an overview of the university’s mission, the geographic challenges of South Dakota’s current higher education model, and possible partnering opportunities to work more closely with tribal colleges in support of American Indian students. For instance, building relationships with tribal colleges so that when a student completes a degree at a tribal college, s/he can transition more seamlessly to another college or university within the state.
Senior Diversity Officer Jesus Trevino shares his experiences as USD’s first diversity officer—his goals for cultural transformation, what’s he is working on and where he sees opportunities for improvement in the inclusiveness and climate of the institution.

We then enjoy a tour of campus, including the Oscar Howe Gallery and Oral History Center archive. Our tour concludes at the Native American Cultural Center with Director Thin Elk and students.