Our next stop is the city of Port Elizabeth.

Perched on the shore of the Indian Ocean, Port Elizabeth is a seaside community whose image of itself is still undergoing change.
We arrive on a Sunday and have the afternoon to spend poking around the waterfront market where we test our bartering skills against true masters of the craft.

Our accommodations are in the seaside suburb of Summerstrand, near Nelson Mandela University.

Fortunately, we have the opportunity to drive 20 minutes north to Zwide Township to visit the Ubuntu Education Fund. This drive help illuminate the stark difference between HAVES and HAVE NOTs living in close proximity, and the work remaining for this young, post-apartheid democracy.

Located in central downtown Port Elizaeth, we also visit the Donkin reserve, pyramid and lighthouse. The pyramid monument was erected by Sir Rufane Donkin in memory of his late wife, Elizabeth, after whom Port Elizabeth is named.

In the evening, we return to the hotel to debrief in small groups, then all together.