Dr. Kgethi Phakeng (center) with U-M students

Dr. Mamokgethi Phakeng is a true force of nature. Back in 2017, a previous group of CSHPE students got the privilege of meeting Dr. Phakeng when she served as Deputy Vice Chancellor of Research and Internationalization at the University of Cape Town. The timing of that visit was shortly after the #FeesMustFall, #RhodesMust Fall student movements, and Dr. Phakeng had built enough good will with UCT student protesters to engage them in a dialogue with the visiting CSHPE students. It was a conversation our students learned a great deal from, and from which I myself gained a great deal of respect for Dr. Phakeng as a university administrator and compassionate leader.

In planning for the 2024 program, I knew a visit with Dr. Phakeng would be both engaging and informative to CSHPE students, even though she no longer holds the same role on campus. She did not disappoint!

Dr. Phakeng, during our time with her, generously shared stories and examples of her life as a university administrator, working with students during times of campus unrest–very relevant given the active diag encampments on the University of Michigan campus, as well as changes in the South African higher education landscape. She also shared impressions of her life as a scholar and serving as the first Black female Vice Chancellor at UCT, as well as answered many questions about navigating work/life balance and seeking joy in all that she does.

In my assessment, students came away from this conversation somewhat awed by Dr. Phakeng, but so appreciative of her genuineness. She is admired by and serves as a role model for many both in South Africa and abroad. I feel very fortunate to have provided this group the opportunity to engage with her.

–by Melinda Richardson