Research Team

Yiping Bai
Yiping Bai is a Ph.D. candidate at the Center for the Study of Higher and Postsecondary Education. Her research interests involve studying education inequality among race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and urbanicity, as well as evaluating the effects of education policies along these lines, to more equitably serve different student populations.
Michael Bastedo
Michael Bastedo is a Professor of Education at the Center for the Study of Higher and Postsecondary Education. He has scholarly interests in the governance, politics, and organization of public higher education, with particular interests in stratification, college admissions, rankings, and low-income students. He is also the Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Studies.

Bo-Kyung Byun
Bo-Kyung Byun is a Ph.D. candidate in Higher Education at the University of Michigan. Her research interests revolve around issues of access and equity in college admissions, with a particular focus on holistic admissions practices — both in the U.S. and Korean contexts.
Stephanie Carroll
Stephanie Carroll is a research investigator at the Center for the Study of Higher and Postsecondary Education. Her research focuses on college access and success with the goal of improving postsecondary outcomes for underrepresented student groups. Stephanie earned her Ph.D. at the Lynch School of Education at Boston College.

Julius DiLorenzo
Julius DiLorenzo is a current Ph.D. student in Higher Education at the University of Michigan. Prior to pursuing graduate studies, Julius served as an admission officer for many years. His research interests focus on selective college admissions, with particular attention to professional training in the field. Julius holds a M.Ed from Harvard’s Graduate School of Education and a B.A. from Occidental College.
Alec Morrissey
Alec Morrissey is an M.A. student in Higher Education in the Center for the Study of Higher and Postsecondary Education. Prior to arriving at the university, he worked for several years in selective undergraduate admissions in the northeast. He is especially interested in how legal and policy changes are interpreted, implemented, and strategically refashioned by admissions professionals across institutional types. Alec holds a B.A. from Carleton College.