Former Employees

Originally from San Diego, California, Cristóbal Arellano (He/him/his) is currently a graduate student at the University of Michigan – Ann Arbor’s Center for the Study of Higher, and Postsecondary Education (CSHPE), with a concentration in student access and success. As an Institutional researcher, Cristóbal is focused on DIJE (diversity, inclusion, justice, and equity) initiatives, public policy, and the areas where they converge. Cristóbal brings a multidisciplinary toolkit to higher ed, with a background in research, philosophy and policy. As an aspiring higher education professional, he is keenly interested in the confluence of praxis and theory; research data and how that data can positively impact policy within academic institutions. Cristóbal previously graduated with a master’s degree in philosophy, where he focused on philosophy of science–specifically objectivity in the sciences and the work of Helen Longino and Alison Wylie. He also graduated with a bachelor’s degree in political science from the Pennsylvania State University – University Park.

Marya Matlin-Wainer is an undergraduate Research Assistant at the Diversity Research and Policy Program (DRPP). She was born and raised in New York City, and moved to Ann Arbor to begin her undergraduate career. Now a senior at the University of Michigan, she studies Chemistry and Environmental Policy and will be earning her Bachelor of Science in the Spring of 2021. Throughout her four years of college she participated in the University’s Residential College, a living learning community that encourages students to learn new languages and explore the arts. After graduation she hopes to work in the environmental health sector and use her scientific background and passion for environmental activism to positively affect her community.

Elizabeth Storey is a Research Assistant in the Diversity Research and Policy Program (DRPP). Elizabeth is uniquely a non-traditional undergraduate student in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. She is pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology with a Social Work sub major. Her goal is to go on to earn a Master’s in Social Work which she will use to go into private practice social work and counseling with special focus in helping women overcome intersecting barriers and trauma. She is a change maker, an advocate and an ally for equality and human rights. She believes that with support, the healing of one has a profound effect on the whole.